intuition in counselling and psychotherapy
Jung defined intuition as "perception via the unconscious". This is the ability to understand immediately without conscious processing, to understand something instinctively. It is a ‘gut feeling’ about something.
Being “tuned” to our intuition largely depends on our past experiences. A combination of analytical thinking and intuition probably works best.
The power of intuitive decision-making may be especially important when we are processing a high volume of complex information. In situations like this it is good to allow some “incubation” time and for the unconscious to do its work.
Intuition tends to happen during quieter times so it is important to build those into daily routines if at all possible.
This could be going for a walk, listening to some classical music that resonates with you or simply day-dreaming. Meditation is also an excellent way of getting in touch with your deep inner self and not allowing yourself to become attached to your thoughts and emotions.
Helping individuals to become more self-aware with their intuition is a key part of discussing life challenges during counselling and psychotherapy. In connecting with their intuitive side they are able to see challenges from many different angles. This provides them with other options which begin to open up new possibilities for them. This in turn gives them greater confidence and helps significantly with their self-esteem.
Intuition can be a path to change while leaving the conditioned ego aside where it is not serving us well.
If you would like to explore this further please do not hesitate to contact us at