
Motivation is not something that can be given to you. It must ultimately come from within. It must be intrinsic. In this way it is longer lasting. We control it ourselves and it can significantly improve our lives. Inspiration and motivation is a starting point for many of us to become good at what we do and to maximize our ability to achieve our goals. There are at least three things that we need.

First, there is your ability, which includes physical and mental capabilities. Some of us are born with this, perhaps as a result of many past lives. We bring these talents with us into our current life. Others may have to work hard at it.

Second, resources such as money and help from others may be required depending on what your goals are. So timing may be important.

Finally, motivation to do something has to be present. This is one on which we have direct control over. Motivation will directly impact our level of success that we ultimately achieve. There are many motivational tips around. The following are just a few interventions that might help you:

Three D's: Decide what direction in life you want to go in. You have three choices: continue as you are, strive to be the best at what you do, or stop what you’re doing now and find something new.

The second D represents decision. With these three choices of direction, you must select one direction in which to go.

The third D stands for dedication. Once you've made your decision, you must dedicate yourself to it.

Set Achievable Goals: It's valuable to establish clear goals of what you want to accomplish in life and plan how you will achieve those goals. At first, start with a goal you know you can meet. Make that goal, feel good about it, and reward yourself. Then set another, perhaps this time more difficult. Research shows that specific and difficult goals lead to better performance than vague or easy ones.

Pick a role model:
It is good sometimes to have a favourite role model for benchmarking purposes. This may help us on our road to self-improvement.

Visualise your Success: On days you find it hard to get going, imagine how you look and feel on meeting your next goal. Picture yourself having made that achievement and then get to work. The brain doesn’t differentiate between what is real or imagined.

Practice Positive Self Thinking:
Think about your strong personal attributes, how they have helped you in the past and how they will help you in the future. It all starts in the mind. A healthy mind helps you achieve a healthy body and wellness in your life. It is a great antidote for anxiety,  depression and stress.

Motivational cues: A big part of staying motivated involves generating positive emotions associated with your efforts and achieving your goals. A way to keep those feelings is with motivational cues such as inspirational phrases and photographs. One of my favourites is


If you think you are beaten….you are!

If you think you dare not… don’t

Success begins with your own will

It’s all in your state of mind.

Life’s battles are not always won

By those who are stronger and faster;

And sooner or later,

The person who wins is the person who THINKS HE CAN!”

This hangs in my home office. Periodically I look at this and experience the positive emotions it creates in me.  These reminders and the emotions associated with them inspire and motivate me to continue to work hard toward my purpose and meaning in life.

Have someone to help you through life’s challenges: A self-awareness about yourself is probably the best. But at various stages throughout our lives professional help can be very beneficial. Such support can come from many directions including a Therapist, Life Coach, Mentor, Spiritual Guide and Health Professional.

It's difficult to be highly motivated all of the time on your own. There are going to be some days when you just don't feel like getting out there. Also, no matter how hard you push yourself, you will work that much harder if you have someone pushing you.

Monitor your Progress: Keep a daily diary or log or journal of your activities and progress. This will not only show a record of your success, but also serve as a reminder of all your efforts so far, don't let them go to waste.


Have fun and enjoy the journey. It lasts a lifetime. And if you think we can help you on your journey at any stage we would be delighted to help. You can contact us on


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stop comparing yourself to others